Saturday, May 17, 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Friday, August 24, 2007


PHOENIX LIGHTS THE MOVIE an Indie Sci-Fi Thriller Feature is in preproduction in Los Angeles. 1066 Pictures is producing the film with Ajax McKenzie writer/director/producer and Dave Gist writer/producer. The film will be shot in the Los Angeles area with an incredible cast featuring Terin Alba, Ossie Beck, Matt Mercer, Courtney Gains, Chantelle Barry, Michael LeMelle, Aaron Mills and Zac Amsden. Rachel Dunn is the Director of Photography and Special FX. Stay tuned for news on the cast and crew and further details on the shoot. Ayaiyai Records is producing the soundtrack which is featuring international recording artist The Venetians who premiered at Midem 2007 and SXSW 2007. Also slated for the soundtrack are Girlfinger, Feeltheafterglow and Machines Of War.